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To enquire about the availability and make a booking please get in contact by one of the following means:
Tel: 01878 700547
Mobile: 0778 8606413
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Seann Taigh
472 SouthLochboisdale
South Uist
Western Isles
Hs8 5ub
South Uist is about 25 miles long and six-seven miles wide with a scattered population of around 2,000. It is over 60 miles from the Scottish mainland and has numerous fresh-water lochs and sea inlets. The east coast is dominated by mountain’s including beinn Mhor which with a peak of 572m is the highest in the Outer Hebrides. The western side of the island has many varied wildlife & flowers along the long stretch of machair. The machair is a sandy strip of fertile meadow and the deserted white beaches and sand dunes stretch for miles.
The Cottage is situated in South Lochboisdale, which is situated beside the Southern shore of lochboisdale, at the south-end of south Uist. A quiet crofting village about two miles from the main road through the Islands. The cottage has excellent views of across the loch to Lochboisdale and to beinn mhor and the mountains of skye are visible to the east.
Ferries to and from the island are operated by Caledonian McBrayne. The island’s main ferry port is Loch Baghasdail (Lochboisdale), which is reached from Oban and Mallaig via Castlebay on Barra. There are inter-island ferries from Eriskay, at the southern tip of South Uist. Ferries also frequently depart from the Isle of Skye to Lochmaddy in North Uist which is an hour’s drive from South Uist.
A popular alternative is to use British Airways to fly into Benbecula Airport from which car hire can be secured.